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Engagement & Activation Agency

May 20th, 2017 by Max Soni

Engaging consumers can take on a variety of approaches which can be done the most effectively after a company gets an accurate understanding of what engagement really means.

Marketing Engagement

Marketing engagement is based on the identification of consumer demographics being actively engaged and who out of these demographics are buying. Consumer engagement is also measured by interaction and influence. Therefore, engagement is more than just promoting a brand. Rather, marketing engagement goes a step further by proactively tracking content and embedding links to emails and videos so that the number of those who have actually clicked to read or clicked to watch a company’s product or service ad can be measured accurately.

The influence of marketing engagement involves measuring the level of action taken as a result of the communications a company delivers. A highly influential marketing engagement affects more than just the buying consumer, it also affects the people the buying consumer shared their shopping experience with via social networks. In this way, a company can measure the impact of their interaction and influence on consumers to see if their engagement strategies need improvement.

Engaging consumers at the right time carries many advantages, since timing plays an important role in motivating user loyalty of the company’s brand. Building a long lasting relationship with the consumer can be done by online and in person experience events, which can build a consumer’s trust in a company and motivate them to eventually make a purchase.

Marketing Activation

The success of a marketing strategy involves knowing which groups are the best to target and which can be obtained by means of consumer data. This action by a company defines marketing activation. To optimize marketing activation, a company will typically implement management tools and techniques to manage their relationship with consumers. It is especially helpful for a company to adapt to evolving consumer preferences and mindsets to increase their profits and reach their strategic goals. Marketing activation like marketing engagement, needs to fulfill a purpose if a company aims to reach a diverse demographic, which focuses more on the common needs of diverse consumers rather than their cultural habits. Effective marketing activation includes “video-based measurement which provides insight into shopper engagement and behavior relative to exact marketing activation and CRM data and models that are used to improve the effectiveness of marketing activation. Several benefits come from consumer activation:


  • Feedback from consumers on what to change or improve as they interact with a company.
  • Add a fresh perspective to a brand to reach younger generations.
  • It reinforces the brand’s positioning and reinforces its prominence in the consumer’s mind.
  • It stands out from traditional advertising.

It’s essential to understand the importance of a seamless, integrative approach to marketing activation; rather than delivering it in single tactical executions; this ensures that any activation implemented is memorable and goes beyond the temporary rush the consumer may feel when first being introduced to a company’s brand.

DotCom Web Design

An engagement and activation agency can manage all marketing elements a company wants to execute. The insight, expertise and planning DotCom Web Design will encompass effective strategy, data and creativity. These components paired with our staff’s collaboration will deliver engaging activity that captures consumers emotionally, psychologically and rationally. Regardless of how we deploy engagement and activation, we’ll start with the basics. This will in turn deliver tangible and beneficial value to clients and consumers alike. The following methods for consumer engagement and activity will be used:

∙Positioning a brand in its best light to maximize long term benefits to the company.

∙Reaching potential consumers and influencing their perceptions to create an intense emotional engagement.

∙Stirring positive feeling in the minds of consumers to create loyalty and long term purchase habits.

∙Creating experiential events by giving potential consumers a chance to try a product, ask questions about it and participate in some way that makes them feel apart of the brand.

∙Blending physical and digital experiences.

∙Generating awareness and visibility for a company by cultivating real life engagement experiences with the target consumer.

∙Produce a brand activation campaign that can compliment and integrate with other types of marketing channels within the company.

An activation strategy and campaign relevant to a company’s brand’s message and core values should not always be measured in sales and profits. Instead, it should focus on capturing consumer data, whether in the form of emails, social media followers or another marketing avenue.

Creating a unique value or selling proposition can stimulate consumers to share a company’s brand message without exhausting its resources via traditional marketing. Consumers can be targeted from a small/large local, national and even international market base. We can provide an effective engagement and activation strategy as it relates to long term consumer purchase decisions and brand loyalty by contacting our comprehensive site here.

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