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User Interface Development Agency

May 20th, 2017 by Max Soni

The user interface typically involves screen objects that a user sees and directly interacts with on a site such as menus, check boxes, toggles, dialog boxes, icons, images, accordions, sliders, data fields, tags, progress bars, animations, and any other element that requires some action by the user to accomplish a task.

User interface development involves numerous methods used by developers to create a seamless flow of interaction between the user and an interface to complete various tasks while on the site. Diverse types of interfaces are developed to be compatible with diverse types of computer users, and must be built to suit the system for which it was developed. Major types of user interfaces are:

Command-driven interfaces- These interfaces usually prompts the user to enter a detailed command which is then interpreted and executed by the system.

Menu-driven interfaces- As the name suggests, menu-driven interfaces provide the user with a list of options which typically display as push buttons, list boxes, pull down menus, bar menus or other prompts representing a variety of options by means of a single letter or number.

Direct manipulation interfaces (DMI) – Direct manipulation interfaces (DMIs) allows users to directly perform tasks (manipulate objects) without them having to type in a command to change info, such as when using their mouse or other pointing device to crop a picture or to switch its position on a page. The most widely used implementation of a DMI is the Graphical User Interface (GUI). The advantage of developing this type of interface is that it minimizes errors and the time it takes for users to complete certain tasks, since they can review their changes before they hit the submit button. User Interface Management Systems (UIMS) are mainly utilized as GUIs so that the interface does not just control one application but an entire system.

Special purpose interfaces – These interfaces control systems that integrate the operation of a general-purpose computer with special hardware and software for utilizing the user interface.

Basics of User Interface Development

The primary focus of developing any user interface is to accommodate the real-time actions a user may need to do to complete tasks when executing tasks. Therefore, a developer must learn the behavior patterns, skills and preferences of the users they need to reach via the most suitable type of interface. In most cases, it is better to avoid messaging that could be confusing for users to understand with their elements or adding unnecessary elements to an interface. The rule of thumb is to keep an interface simple so that users feel more comfortable using it.

One essential way an interface developer can do this is to create layout and design consistency as well as an identical language pattern. Consistency woven in an interface, however, may not be beneficial if it impairs the ability of a user to accomplish a certain task, such as when navigating through several pages while taking a customer satisfaction survey.

The use of various UI elements to update a page’s status and the steps following right after can reduce frustration for the user. Instead of having to fill out every piece of information on a page, a well designed interface can help users select certain responses by default. Additionally, visual cues or brief messaging can show the user whether his or her actions have delivered the anticipated result. These are just a few ways an interface can increase a user’s adaptability and speed using an interface which can be transferred to other parts of the site.

DotCom Web Design

Organizations are demanding a faster and more integrated approach to user interface development tasks. At DotCom Web Design, we know that a critical step in designing a successful interface is gaining adequate understanding of what users require and desire from an application before any code is written. Moreover, we ensure that if your application requires custom controls, it is adequately exposed to assistive technologies. Strategic use of page layout, item placement, color, texture, typography and text arrangement can not only attract users to the most vital pieces of info on your page but can also increase their ability to scan information and follow interface commands easier when the system communicates everything to them in a clear manner.

Our influential team of developers have years of experience in the digital marketing world, to help you develop a user-friendly, functional, aesthetic, and high performing interface. We identify the most common and essential activities users will regularly perform on a web application and make those functions high priority while relegating other functions and activities to a lower status via visual cues or optional application settings and preferences.

This empowers a user to increase their proficiency with the application, especially when their interface actions are incorrect or misunderstood. We generate huge ROI by delivering the same consistent success for each project we do. This type of success possible due to the collaboration of creative and dedicated, strategists, designers, marketers, programmers, project managers, and business development experts which all work together to provide you with the following phases of services related to the user interface development process:

Functional requirements – Assess the initial requirements and objectives for the application.
User analysis – Determine user scenarios and identify the expectations and needs of users for each scenario.
Conceptual design – Outline the basis of an activity that the application must handle.
Logical design – Design the application’s process and flow of data.
Physical design – Determine how the logical design will be put to use on specific physical platforms.
Prototype – Develop a paper or an interactive screen mockup that highlights a plain interface without the distraction of visual design elements.
Construct – Build the application and prepare for revisions in design.
Usability testing – Allow various users to test drive the application under various scenarios.
Accessibility testing – Test the application with accessible technologies and automated test tools.

We can provide a balanced approach throughout the user interface development process, both in task functionality, aesthetics and performance by contacting our comprehensive site here.

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