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Event Strategy & Planning Agency

May 20th, 2017 by Max Soni

In the world of business, one must constantly implement new ideas in order to keep up with the competition. After all, since the advent of the Internet, it has become increasingly easy for new rivals in every industry. While it’s crucial to have a strong online presence, it’s equally important to keep a good community awareness of your products or services. Therefore, taking the time to use strategy in event planning can pay off with multiple new clients as well as an established presence representing your industry both locally and to the online community.


Power of the Internet

When it comes to event planning, many business owners think of trade shows to take place within the locale. However, we now have the tools to present your industry, goals, products, and services online using the Internet. Here, you can organize and schedule for an online event in which you can show videos, present data, interact with potential clients, and network and organize new contact information with ease.

Furthermore, keep in mind that the average person in today’s world wants instant gratification. Therefore, you should work to keep your event presentation to-the-point. Identify the main points you wish to make and decide on aspects that can be left out. These additional details can be explained later once you have made a connection with an interested party. Together, you can schedule a time to meet and go into further detail. Try to keep your event no longer than 30 minutes.

Importance of Advanced Planning

It is crucial that you begin planning months in advance of an event. The first step during this stage is to identify your overall goals. Whether you are trying to raise awareness, pick up new leads, or encourage community engagement, the goal is what will determine further planning.

You should create a rundown of events that will support your cause and ensure you have ample manpower available to stay on schedule. Although as a manager or owner you likely know your business best, you absolutely must delegate tasks. Consider the employees you have available, and examine their strengths and weaknesses. While one staff member with excellent interpersonal communication skills would be a good pick to help interact with the public during a question and answer segment of your event, they may not have the ability to multitask and take care of setup prior to the culminating moment. Make sure you have properly delegated and assigned tasks far in advance to prepare staff for the duties ahead.

Numbers: The Name of the Game

The more people who attend your event, the more leads you will be able to collect. Therefore, it’s highly important to come up with effective advertising techniques to spread the word about the event you are planning. Aside from creating a quality message, you must maximize the tools you have at your disposable including:

  • Social media: start a campaign on your Facebook, Twitter, or other social media outlet to begin spreading the word months in advance
  • Text messages: Send out a mass text to all of you current contacts. For your protection, make sure you don’t send messages to clients who have specifically requested not to receive such correspondence.
  • Email: Once again, don’t send emails to individuals who have requested not to be solicited in this manner.

There are so many more ways to get the word out about your event, and the staff here at DotComWebDesign is here to help. We not only help you identify the best measures to take in your unique situation, but we can also take the hard work out of it for you by continually implementing efforts while you take care of your various other responsibilities. Not to mention, we can even follow up as the big day nears to remind those who may have forgotten but otherwise wish to attend.

Working With Others in Your Industry

While it is a highly competitive world we live in, there is still much to be gained through collaboration. For example, you can identify a company offering similar products or services as you and offer to host their event information on your site. This usually leads to a symbiotic relationship in which they will return the favor when you have an upcoming event. Although takes a little bit of time and networking steps to establish these types of affiliations, the rewards to be reaped last many years into the future. Our staff has the time and experience to help you identify these types of opportunities and maximize their utility.

Help When You Need It Most

Let’s face it. Event strategy and planning takes time, effort, and experience. As a business owner or manager, it can be easy to postpone many of the crucial aspects of this intricate process, and that can significantly decrease the overall effectiveness of your event.

Here at DotComWebDesign, we have proven techniques that can take your upcoming event to the next level. When you work with our progressive staff, we take the time to understand your goals as well as the mission of your company. Using this information, we can pinpoint effective strategies to help you get a leg-up on the competition and achieve maximum success, so contact us today and take the first step toward the future of your company.

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